31st International Annual Conference of the Strategic Management Society “Strategies for a Multi-Polar World: National Institutions and Global Competition” Miami, FL: 6-9 November 2011 miami.strategicmanagement.net |
(1) Showcase Symposium
“From Cooperation and Competition to Coopetition Strategy”
Monday, November 7 2011
Time: 11.00-12.15
Room: Americana Ballroom, Loews Miami Beach Hotel
The inception of coopetition – generically defined as the simultaneous pursuit of collaboration and competition by firms – has recently attracted a great deal of attention and inspired significant amount of research. In this panel, we wish to advance theory and speculation on the dynamics of the interplay between competition and cooperation. Our goal is to explore the path of various theoretical endeavors that enable the strategic management field to move beyond the simple view of rent generating competition, or increase-in-the-size-of-the-pie cooperation. The developing status of the coopetition concept offers an intriguing opportunity to establish multiple connections across various sub fields including: multi-market competition; competitive dynamics; the nature of markets in industrial districts; the virtual organization as a conundrum of market and non-market forces; and others. We intend to highlight conceptual and empirical issues and propose a continuing research agenda.
(2) Paper Presentations
(A) “The Anchor Firm as a Strategic Orchestrator:
Evidence from the Nanotech Clusters of Catania and Grenoble”
Maria Cristina Cinici, University of Messina
Giovanni Battista Dagnino, University of Catania
Rosario Faraci, University of Catania
Session: Knowledge and Industry Evolution
Monday, November 7 2011
Time: 13.30-14.45
Room: Americana Salon 2, Loews Miami Beach Hotel
Chair: Aldas Kriauciunas, Purdue University
To what extent anchor firms benefit from taking part into the orchestration of hi-tech clusters? On the ground of a phenomenon based research, we address this question by analyzing two illustrative European cases (i.e. the nanotech clusters of Catania, Italy, and Grenoble, France). As a result of the comparison between the experiences of STMicroelectronics in Catania and Grenoble, we explain the reasons for which the same MNC can be conceived as the two cluster’s anchor firm even playing different functions, and cultivating pretty dissimilar strategic orchestration processes and R&D orientations. On the theoretical side, our analysis contributes to anchor firm and orchestration literatures. On the managerial side, it digs deeper in the debate on how contextual conditions and regional idiosyncrasies influence leading company’s behavior as orchestrator.
(B) “Coopetition as an Emergent Construct:
Identifying a Reification Process through a Bibliometric Analysis”
Anna Minà, University of Catania
Roger Dunbar, New York University
Giovanni Battista Dagnino, University of Catania
Gino Cattani, New York University
Session: Cooperative Strategy
Tuesday, November 8 2011
Time: 16.00-17.15
Room: Cowrie 1, Loews Miami Beach Hotel
Facilitator: Africa Arino, IESE Business School
Given the clear interest in coopetition and the intellectual ferment it has generated, one might suppose there is at a common understanding of coopetition is developing. In fact, a shared intelligible conceptualization of coopetition is not currently available. We explore two research questions. First, what meanings of coopetition have been affirmed in the managerial studies literature so far? That is, how is coopetition constructed and defined in the papers that have been written so far? Second, to what extent is the coopetition construct being reified in this process and to what extent is it being allowed to remain open for further construction and interpretation? Through a bibliographic coupling analysis, we discover the theoretical roots and orientations of studies that have focused on coopetition and based on these foundations, suggest likely directions for future developments.
(3) Invited Speech
The Strategic Management Society Doctoral Workshop
Jay Anand, Ohio State University
Jaeyong Song, Seoul National University
Session: New Frontiers in Strategy Research
Ed Zajac, Northwestern University
Giovanni Battista Dagnino, University of Catania
Shaker Zahra, University of Minnesota
Saturday, November 5 2011
Time: 15.45-16.45
Room: Americana 1, Loews Miami Beach Hotel
PS: This session is by invitation
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