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74th Academy of Management Meeting “The Power of Words” Philadelphia, PA: August: 1-5 2014 aom.org/annualmeeting/ program.aom.org/2014 |
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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, August 1-5 2014
(1) Professional Development Workshop
Organizer: Manish Srivastava, Michigan Technological U.
Ricarda Bunchen, University of Bayreuth
(2) Professional Development Workshop
Session: Using the Power of Spiritual and Religious Words to Create a Sustainable and Responsible World
Sponsoring Divisions: MSR, SIM, ONE
Scheduled: Saturday, August 2 2014 at 12:30PM-2:30PM
Place: Loews Philadelphia Hotel in Commonwealth Cings Resort in Fiesta 6
Agata Stachowicz-Stanusch, Silesian U. of Technology
Mary Catherine Gentile, Babson College
Jonas Haertle, PRME Secretariat/United Nations Global Compact Office
Michael Andreas Pirson, Fordham University
Giovanni Battista Dagnino, U. of Catania
Among others
This session will provide a space for management educators and practitioners to share research, discuss, and mobilize for action in building on the universal spiritual/religious commitment to creating a sustainable and responsible world. Building on the Power of Our Words theme of this year’s AOM, speakers and participants in this session will explore how religious and spiritual words bring together the world’s differing religious, spiritual, and non-religious peoples in common pursuit of meaningful and fulfilling work and careers, the alleviation of poverty, the pursuit of social and economic equality and justice, and the seeking of a more sustainable world. And how the words and symbols of individuals, organizations, and governments — in their shared pursuit of social, economic, and environmental justice — contribute to, or get in the way of, the peaceful uniting of the world’s peoples, with their differing religious and spiritual practices? This session will be an opportunity for scholars and practitioners to exchange reports of experience and research in the exploration of opportunities for spiritual and religious contributions to a more sustainable and responsible world. It is hoped that these exchanges will lead to future collaborations among the presenters that will be productive and successful towards this purpose. The Humanistic Management Center, Giving Voice to Values and UN Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) initiative’s anti-corruption working group´s results shall be part of the discussion.
(3) Paper Presentation
DAGNINO, G.B., Giachetti, C., La Rocca, M., and Picone, P.M. (2014)
“Unveiling the Antecedents of International Diversification: An Agency Theory Approach”
Best Paper Proceedings of the Academy of Management 2014
Winner IM Division CGIO Best Paper in International Corporate Governance
Session: Global Governance: International Management Division CGIO Best Paper in International Corporate Governance Session
Sponsoring Division: IM
Chair: Sea Jin Chang, National University of Singapore
Scheduled: Monday, August 4 2014 11:30AM-1:00PM
Place: Pennsylvania Convention Center in Room 120 B
While various studies have developed hypotheses about the antecedents of international diversification drawing mainly on the resource-based view, the behavioral theory of the firm, and the transaction costs literature, we advance our understanding by investigating the explanatory power of agency costs of free cash flow arguments. Using a sample panel of 167 Italian firms longitudinally evaluated during the 1980-2010 period, this study tests whether the firm’s choice to spread operations in multiple foreign countries is conditioned by excess of free cash flow and debt, especially in firm-contexts where agency problems are exacerbated by managers or large shareholders’ opportunism. We find that debt has a negative effect on international diversification, while, contrary to our expectation, we find that the effect of cash flow is negative. Results also show that both high ownership concentration and low growth opportunities have a significant moderating effect on the debt – and cash flow – international diversification relationships
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