
Selected Publications

Articles in International Journals 

Chae, H., Dagnino, G.B, and Audia, P. (2024). Disadvantaged Communities, Sudden Threats, and the Founding of Social Movement Organizations: The Case of Antimafia Organizations. Journal of Management. DOI: 10.1177/01492063241299401

Picone, P.M, Di Paola, N., and, Dagnino, G.B. (2024). Hubristic Founders and Entrepreneurial Exit: A Proposed Framework. Small Business Economics. Forthcoming

Minà, A., and Dagnino, G.B. (2025). Coopetition Reloaded: Looking back to Strategic Management Research for Moving Coopetition Inquiry Forward. Strategic Management Review. Vol.6, N.1. Published online on June 16 2022 at

Dagnino, G.B., and Ritala, P. (2025). Coopetition Strategy: Big Questions and Promising Answers. Strategic Management Review. Vol.6, N.1. Published online on June 16 2022 at

(5) Ferrigno, G., Martin, X., and Dagnino, G.B. (2024). Explaining the Interplay of Value Creation and Value Appropriation in Strategic Alliances: A Developmental Perspective International Journal of Management Reviews, Vol.26, N.2, pp.232-253

D’Allura, G., Quarato, F., Dagnino, G.B., and Merlo, E. (2024). Detecting the Key Role of the Family in Explaining Corporate Heritage Use in Family Firms. Journal of Management and Governance. Published online on June 14 2024 at

Amata, R., Dagnino, G.B., Minà, A. and Picone, P.A. (2022). Managing Coopetition in Diversified Firms: Insights from a Qualitative Case Study. Long Range Planning. Vol.55, N.4, 10128 (10.1016/j.lrp.2021.102128)

Dagnino, G.B., and Resciniti, R. (2021). Introduction to the Special Issue: The Age of Digital Internationalization: Strategic Capabilities, Cultural Distance and Customer Value. Journal of Management and Governance. Vol.25, N.4, pp.967-981.

Picone, P.M., Pisano, V., and Dagnino, G.B. (2021). The Bright and Hubristic Sides of Decision Makers’ Overconfidence in International Business: A Proposed Analytical Framework. European Management Review. Vol.18, N.3, pp.343-362

Mariani, M.M., Bresciani, S., and Dagnino, G.B. (2021). The Competitive Productivity (CP) of Tourism Destinations: An Integrative Conceptual Framework and a Reflection on Big Data and Analytics. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. Vol. 33, No. 9, pp.2970-3002

Dagnino, G.B., and Minà, A. (2021).  Unraveling the Philosophical Foundations of Co-opetition. Management and Organization Review, Vol.17, N.3, pp.490-523

Ferrigno, G., Dagnino, G.B., and Di Paola, N. (2021). R&D alliance partner attributes and innovation performance: a fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing. Vol.36, N.13, pp.54-65

Dagnino, G.B., Picone, P.M., and Ferrigno, G. (2021). Temporary Competitive Advantage: An Investigation into the Core of the Literature and Challenges for Future Research. International Journal of Management Reviews. Vol.23, N.1, pp.85-115

Cennamo, C., Dagnino, G.B., Di Minin, A., and Lanzolla, G. (2020). Managing Digital Transformation: Scope of Transformation and Modalities of Value Co-generation and Delivery. California Management Review. Vol. 62, N.4, pp.5-16

Hani, M., and Dagnino, G.B. (2020). Global Network Coopetition, Firm Innovation and Value Creation. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing. Vol.36, N.11, pp. 1962-1974

Minà, A., Dagnino, G.B., and Vagnani G. (2020). An Interpretive Framework of the Interplay of Competition and Cooperation. Journal of Management and Governance, Vol.24, N.1, pp.1-35 (Lead paper)

Sadat-Saadatyar, F., Al-Tabbaa, O., Dagnino, G.B., and Vazife, Z. (2020). Industrial Clusters in the Developing Economies: Insights from the Iranian Carpet Industry. Strategic Change. Vol.29, N.2, pp.227-239

Russino, A., Picone, P.M., and Dagnino, G.B. (2019). Unveiling the Role of Multiple Blockholders: Evidence from Closely Held Firms. Corporate Governance: An International Review, Vol.27, N.6, pp.477-502

Bortolaso, I., Vershore, J.R., and Dagnino, G.B. (2019). Regional Strategic Networks in Southern Brazil: Open Strategy and Small Firm Coopetition. International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business,  Vol.10, N.4, pp.338-358

Dagnino, G.B., Giachetti, C., La Rocca, M., and Picone, P.M. (2019). Beyond the Curtains of International Diversification: An Agency Theory Perspective. Global Strategy Journal. Vol.9, N.4, pp.555-594

Colombo, M.G., Dagnino, G.B., Lehman, E., and Salmador, M.P. (2019). The Governance of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems. Small Business Economics. Vol.52, N.2, pp. 419-428

Dagnino, G.B., King, D.R., and Tienari, J. (2017). The Strategic Management of Dynamic Growth. Long Range Planning. Vol.50, N.4, pp.427-430

Giachetti, C., and Dagnino, G.B. (2017). The Impact of Technological Convergence on Firms’ Product Portfolio Strategy: An Information-based Imitation Approach. R&D Management. Vol.47, N.1, pp.17-35

Minà, A., Dagnino, G.B. (2016). In Search of Coopetition Consensus: Shaping the Collective Identity of a Relevant Strategic Management Community. International Journal of Technology Management. Vol. 71, Nos.1/2, pp.123-154

Dagnino, G.B., Levanti G., and Mocciaro Li Destri A. (2016). Structural Dynamics and Intentional Governance in Strategic Interorganizational Network Evolution: A Multilevel Approach. Organization Studies. Vol.37, N.3, pp.349-373

Picone, M., and Dagnino, G.B. (2016). Revamping Research on Unrelated Diversification Strategy: Perspectives, Opportunities and Challenges for Future Inquiry. Journal of Management and Governance. Vol.20, N.3, pp.413-445

Baglieri, D., Carfì, D., and Dagnino, G.B. (2016). Asymmetric R&D Alliances in the Biopharmaceutical Industry: A Multi-Stage Coopetitive Approach. International Studies of Management and Organization. Vol.46, N.2-3, pp.179-201

Czakon, W., Dagnino, G.B., and Le Roy, F. (2016). Guest Editors’ Introduction to the Issue on Coopetition Strategies. International Studies of Management and Organization. Vol.46, N.2-3, pp.75-79

Le Roy, F., Dagnino, G.B., and Czakon, W. (2016). Introduction to the Issue on Coopetition and Innovation. International Studies of Management and Organization. Vol.46, N.2-3, pp. 130-135

Dagnino, G.B., Levanti, G., Minà, A., and Picone, M. (2015). Interorganizational Network and Innovation: A Bibliometric Study and Proposed Research Agenda. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing. Vol.30, N.3, pp.354-377

Dagnino, G.B., Giachetti, C. La Rocca, M., and Picone, P.M. (2014). Unveiling the Antecedents of International Diversification: An Agency Theory Approach. Academy of Management Proceedings. Philadelphia, pp.1126-1131

Picone, P.M., Dagnino, G.B., and Minà, A. (2014). The Origin of Failure: A Multidimensional Appraisal of the Hubris Hypothesis and Proposed Research Agenda. Academy of Management Perspectives. Vol.28, N.4, pp.447-468

Giachetti, C., and Dagnino, G.B. (2014). Detecting the Relationship between Competitive Intensity and Firm Product Line Length: Evidence from the Worldwide Mobile Phone Industry. Strategic Management JournalVol.35, N.9, pp. 1398-1409

Capasso, A., Dagnino, G.B., and Shen, W. (2014). Corporate Governance and Strategic Management in Different Contexts: Fostering Interchange of a Crucial Relationship. Journal of Management and Governance. Vol.18, N.4, pp.921-927

Capasso, A., and Dagnino, G.B. (2014). Beyond the ‘Silo View’ of Corporate Governance and Strategic Management: Evidence from Fiat, Telecom Italia and Unicredit. Journal of Management and Governance. Vol.18, N.4, pp. 929-957

Mocciaro Li Destri, A., and Dagnino, G.B. (2012). Learning to Synthesize Contradictions: An Austrian Approach to Bridging Time Concepts in the Strategic Theory of The Firm. International Journal of Strategic Change Management. Vol.4, N.2, pp.99-128

Dagnino G.B., and Longo, M.C. (2012). Knowledge Creation and Application in High Technology Firms: The Role of Communities in the Italian Experience. International Journal of Strategic Change Management. Vol.4, N.1, pp.1-31

D’Aveni, R.A., Dagnino, G.B., and Smith, K.G. (2010). The Age of Temporary Advantage. Strategic Management Journal, Special Issue, Vol.31, N.13, pp.1371-1385

Baglieri, D., Dagnino, G.B., Giarratana, M., and Gutierrez, I. (2008). Guest Editors’ Introduction to the Special Issue on Coopetition Strategy. Stretching the Boundaries of Coopetition. Management Research, Vol.6, N.3, pp.157-164

Dagnino, G.B., Levanti, G., and Mocciaro Li Destri, A. (2008). Evolutionary Dynamics of Inter-firm Networks: A Complex Systems Perspective. Advances in Strategic Management, Vol.25, pp.67-129

Dagnino, G.B., and Pisano, V. (2008). Unpacking the Champion of Acquisitions: The Key Figure in the Execution of the Post-Acquisition Integration Process. Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions, Vol.7, pp.51-69

Dagnino, G.B., Le Roy, F., Yami, S., and Czakon, W. (2008). Strategie koopetycji – nowa forma dynamiki międzyorganizacyjnej? Przegląd Organizacji, 6, pp.3-7 (In Polish)

Dagnino, G.B., Le Roy F., and Yami, S. (2007). La dynamique des stratégies de coopètition. Revue Française de Gestion, Vol. 33, N.176, pp.87-98

Padula, G., and Dagnino, G.B. (2007). Untangling the Rise of Coopetition: The Intrusion of Competition in a Cooperative Game Structure. International Studies of Management and Organization, Vol.37, N.2, pp.32-52

Dagnino, G.B. (2007). Preface. Coopetition Strategy: Toward a New Kind of Interfirm Dynamics? International Studies of Management and Organization, Vol.37, N.2, pp.3-10

Mariani, M.M., and Dagnino, G.B. (2007). Unveiling the Modal Capability Lifecycle: The Coevolutionary Foundations of the Firm’s Effectiveness in Capturing Strategic Opportunities. International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital, Vol.4, N.1/2, pp.132-146

Dagnino, G.B., and Quattrone, P. (2006). Comparing Institutionalisms: Gino Zappa and John R. Commons’ Accounts of ‘Institution’ as a Groundwork for a Constructivist View. Journal of Management History. Vol.12, N.1, pp.36-52

Mocciaro Li Destri, A., and Dagnino, G.B. (2005). The Development of the Resource-based Firm Between Value Appropriation and Value Creation. Advances in Strategic Management, Vol.22, pp.153-188
Dowloadable at:

Dagnino, G.B. (2004). Complex Systems as Key Drivers for the Emergence of a Resource- and Capability-based Interorganizational Network. Emergence: Complexity and Organization. Vol.6, N.1/2, pp.61-69
Dowloadable at:

Mocciaro Li Destri A., and Dagnino, G.B. (2004). Time and Strategy: Towards a Multitemporal View of the Firm. Journal of Managerial Psychology. Vol.18, N.9, pp.776-794

Dagnino, G.B. (1999). The System of Business Enterprises as a Complex Dynamic Network of Resources and Competencies. Academy of Management Proceedings. Chicago, pp.E1-E6

Dagnino, G.B. (1996). Understanding the Economics of Ricardian, Chamberlinian and Schumpeterian Rents. Implications for Strategic Management. International Review of Economics. Vol.43, N.1, pp.213-235

Book Reviews

Dagnino, GB. (2015). Real Social Science: Applied Phronesis, edited by B. Flyvbjerg, T. Landman and S. Schram. Cambridge University Press, 2012. European Accounting Association Newsletter. September Issue.
Available at:

Dagnino, GB. (2006). Strategy, Economic Organization, and the Knowledge Economy: The Coordination of Firms and Resources by Nicolai J. Foss. Oxford University Press, 2005. Journal of Management and Governance, Vol.10, N.2, pp.229-235.


Book Chapters and Conference Proceedings (International)

Dagnino, G.B. and La Bruna, G. (2023).The Strategic Use of Big Data Analytics: Applications in Business Practice and Effects on Firm Performance. In Cennamo, C., Dagnino, G.B., and Zhu, F. (Eds.). Research Handbook on Digital Strategy. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.

(2) Cennamo, C., Dagnino, G.B., and Zhu, F. (2023). Digital Strategy: Linear Evolution or Paradigm Shift? In Cennamo, C., Dagnino, G.B., and Zhu, F. (Eds.). Research Handbook on Digital Strategy. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.

Dagnino, G.B., and Giachetti, C. (2021). Competitive Dynamics in Strategic Management. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Business and Management: Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/acrefore/9780190224851.013.16

Ferrigno, G., Piccaluga, A., and Dagnino, G.B. (2021). Managing Alliance partner attributes: lessons from the Ericsson Case Study. In Das, T. K. (Ed.). Managing the Partners in Strategic Alliances: pp.245-269. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

Dagnino, G.B., and Minà, A. (2018). The swing of a pendulum in coopetition inquiry. In Fernandez, A-S., Chiambaretto, Le Roy, F., and P., Czakon, W. (Eds.). The Routledge Companion to Coopetition Strategies: pp.68-80. London: Routledge.

Alvarez, S., Carayannis, E.G., and Dagnino, G.B., and Faraci, R. (2018). Introduction. In Carayannis, E.G., Dagnino, G.B., Alvarez, S., and Faraci, R. (Eds.). Entrepreneurial Ecosystems and the Diffusion of Startups: 1-10. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar.

Dagnino, G.B., and Carayannis, E.G. (2018). Looking beyond the current status of the conversation on entrepreneurial ecosystems and the diffusion of startups: Where do we go from here? In Carayannis, E.G., Dagnino, G.B., Alvarez, S., and Faraci, R. (Eds.). Entrepreneurial Ecosystems and the Diffusion of Startups: 194-198. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar.

 Minà, A. and Dagnino, G. B. (2018). Mapping Entrepreneurial Ecosystems Inquiry: A Content Analysis of the Literature and Its Implications. In Carayannis, E.G., Dagnino, G.B., Alvarez, S., and Faraci, R. (Eds.). Entrepreneurial Ecosystems and the Diffusion of Startups: 11-34. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar.

Dagnino, G.B. (2016). Evolutionary Lineage of the Dominant Paradigms in Strategic Management Research. In G.B. Dagnino and M.C. Cinici (Eds.). Research Methods in Strategic Management: pp.15-48. London: Routledge

Dagnino, G.B., and Cinici, M.C. (2016). Introduction: New Frontiers in Research Methods for Strategic Management. In G.B. Dagnino and M.C. Cinici (Eds.). Research Methods in Strategic Management: pp.1-14. London: Routledge

Cinici, M.C., and Dagnino, G.B. (2016). Organizing the Future by Reconnecting with the Past: Methodological Challenges in Strategic Management Research. In G.B. Dagnino and M.C. Cinici (Eds). Research Methods in Strategic Management: pp.354-362. London: Routledge.

Minà, A., Dagnino G.B., and Ben-Letaifa, S. (2016). Competition and Cooperation in Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: A Life-Cycle Analysis of a Canadian ICT Ecosystem. In F. Belussi and L. Orsi (Eds.). Innovation, Alliances, and Networks in High-Tech Environments: 65-81. Cheltenham, UK: Elgar.

Dagnino, G.B. (2015). The Academic Incubator as a Fluid Mosaic: An Ecological Interpretative Framework. In D. Nicolò (Ed.). Startups and Startup Ecosystems. Theories, Models and Successful Cases in the Mediterranean Area. ASERS Publishing.

Dagnino, G.B., and Ferrigno, G. (2015). The Strategic Management of Multipartner Alliances: Uncovering the Triadic Alliance Problem. In T.K. Das (Ed.). Managing Multipartner Strategic Alliances. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

Dagnino G.B., Minà, A., and Picone, P.M. (2013). The Hubris Hypothesis of Corporate Social Irresponsibility: Evidence from the Parmalat Case. In A. Stachowicz-Stanusch and W. Amann (Eds.). Integrity in OrganizationsBuilding the Foundations for Humanistic Management. Palgrave-Macmillan.

Dagnino G.B., and Picone, P.M. (2013). Diversification Strategy. In E. Kessler (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Management Theory. Sage.

Dagnino G.B. (2013). Business Strategy. In D. Teece and M. Augier (Eds.). The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Strategic Management. New York: Palgrave-MacMillan.

Baglieri, D. Carfì, D., and Dagnino, G.B. (2012). Asymmetric R&D Alliances and Coopetitive Games. In S. Greco et al. (Eds.). Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-based Systems 2012.  Part IV, CCIS 300: pp. 607-621. Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.

Dagnino G.B., Di Guardo, M.C., and Padula, G. (2012). Coopetition: Nature, Challenges, and Implications for Firms’ Strategic Behavior and Managerial Mindset. In G.B. Dagnino (Ed.). Handbook of Research on Competitive Strategy: pp.492-511. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.

Dagnino G.B. (2012). Introduction: Why a Handbook of Research on Competitive Strategy. In G.B. Dagnino (Ed.). Handbook of Research on Competitive Strategy: pp.1-18. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.

Le Roy, F., Yami, S., and Dagnino, G.B. (2010). La Coopétition: une strategie pou le XXIe siècle. In Yami S. and Le Roy F. (Eds.). Stratégies de coopétition: Rivaliser et coopérer simultanément: pp.17-28 Brussels: De Boeck

Yami, S., Castaldo, S., Czakon., W., Dagnino, G.B., and Le Roy, F. (2010). Introduction – Coopetition Strategies: Towards a New Form of Organizational Dynamics?. In Yami, S., Castaldo, S., Dagnino, G.B., and Le Roy F. (Eds.) (2009). Coopetition: Winning Strategies for the 21st Century: pp.1-16. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar

Dagnino, G.B., and Mariani, M.M. (2010). Coopetitive Value Creation in Entrepreneurial Contexts: The Case of AlmaCube. In Yami, S., Castaldo, S., Dagnino, G.B., and Le Roy F. (Eds.). Coopetition: Winning Strategies for the 21st Century: pp.101-123. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar

Dagnino, G.B., Mocciaro Li Destri, A. and Baglieri, D. (2009). Institutional Contexts, the Management of Patent Portfolios and the Role of Public Policies Supporting New Entrepreneurial Ventures. In J. Leitão and R. Baptista (Eds.). Public Policies for Fostering Entrepreneurship: A European Perspective: pp.35-57. New York: Springer.
See the book at:

Dagnino, G.B., Faraci, R. and Sorrentino, M. (2009). Mobilizing Capital for Fostering the Early Growth of Firms:The Role of Business Angels in Nascent European Entrepreneurship. In Audretsch, D.B., Dagnino, G.B., Faraci, R., and Hoskisson, R.E. (Eds.). New Frontiers in Entrepreneurship: Recognizing, Seizing and Executing Opportunities: pp.109-124. New York: Springer

Audretsch, D.B., Dagnino, G.B., Faraci, R., and Hoskisson R.E. (2009). Introduction: New Frontiers in Entrepreneurship: Recognizing, Seizing and Executing Opportunities. In Audretsch, D.B., Dagnino, G.B., Faraci, R., and Hoskisson, R.E. (Eds.). New Frontiers in Entrepreneurship: Recognizing, Seizing and Executing Opportunities: pp.1-7. New York: Springer

Dagnino, G.B. (2009). Coopetition Strategy: A New Kind of Interfirm Dynamics for Value Creation. In Dagnino, G.B., and Rocco, E.(Eds.). Coopetition Strategy: Theory Experiments and Cases: pp.25-43.London: Routledge.

Castaldo, S., and Dagnino, G.B. (2009). Trust and Coopetition: The Strategic Role of Trust in Interfirm Coopetitive Dynamics. In Dagnino, G.B., and Rocco, E.(Eds.). Coopetition Strategy: Theory Experiments and Cases: pp.74-100.London: Routledge.

Dagnino, G.B., and Rocco, E. (2009). Introduction – Coopetition Strategy: A “Path Recognition” Investigation Approach. In Dagnino, G.B., and Rocco, E.(Eds.). Coopetition Strategy: Theory Experiments and Cases: pp.1-21.London: Routledge.

Dagnino, G.B., and Mariani, M.M. (2007). Dynamic Gap Bridging and Realized Gap Set Development: The Strategic Role of the Firm in the Coevolution of Capability Space and Opportunity Space. In U. Cantner and F. Malerba (Eds.). Innovation, Industrial Dynamics and Structural Transformation: Schumpeterian Legacies: pp.321-341. Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer Verlag
Downloadable at:

Dagnino, G.B., and Padula, G. (2007). Coopetition Strategy: A New View of Interfirm Dynamics for Value Creation. In D. Caseby (Ed.). Management Education in the Euro-Mediterranean Area:pp.231-247. Palermo: ISIDA

Dagnino, G.B. (2005). Coupling Combinative and Relational Capabilities in Interorganizational Best Practice Transfer: An Evolutionary Perspective. In A. Capasso, G.B. Dagnino, and A. Lanza (Eds.). Strategic Capabilities and Knowledge Transfer Between Organizations: New Perspectives from Acquisitions, Networks, Learning, and Evolution: pp.103-144. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar

Capasso, A., Dagnino G.B., and Lanza A. (2005). Introduction -&- Beyond This Book: A Research Agenda . In A. Capasso, G.B. Dagnino, and A. Lanza (Eds.). Strategic Capabilities and Knowledge Transfer Between Organizations: New Perspectives from Acquisitions, Networks, Learning, and Evolution: pp.1-13 and 347-355. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar

Dagnino, G.B. (2003). Bridging the Strategy Gap: Firm Strategy and Coevolution of Capability Space and Opportunity Space. The Wharton School. Sol C. Snider Entrepreneurial Research Center, Working Paper n.306
Downloadable at:

Dagnino, G.B., and C. Mazza (2000). Applying Management Theory to History: The Tavola di Palermo and the Institutionalization of Public Banks in the Late European 16th Century. In T. Slaven (Ed.). In Proceedings of the Conference on Business History and Theory: pp.114-131. Glasgow: Centre for Business History in Scotland

Dagnino, G.B. (1995). The Tavola di Palermo: The First Public Bank of Second European XVI Century. In M. Davis, F. De Goey, and D. de Wit (Eds.). Proceedings of the International Conference on Business History: pp.91-111. Centre of Business History (CBG). Rotterdam: Erasmus University


Books and Monographs (International)

Cennamo, C., Dagnino, G.B., and Zhu, F. (Eds.) (2023). Research Handbook on Digital Strategy. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.
Dedicated webpage:

Minà, A. e Dagnino, G.B. (2021). Foundations of  Coopetition Strategy. A Framework for Competition and Cooperation. Routledge-Giappichelli.

Carayannis, E.G., Dagnino, G.B., Alvarez, S., and Faraci, R. (Eds.) (2018). Entrepreneurial Ecosystems and the Diffusion of Startups. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar.
Dedicated webpage:

Dagnino, G.B., Levanti, G., and Mocciaro Li Destri, A. (2018). Networks, Knowledge and complexity: An inquiry into the architectural dynamics of strategic networks. Turin: Giappichelli

Dagnino, G.B.,and Cinici, M.C. (Eds.) (2016). Research Methods in Strategic Management. London: Routledge. Paperback edition 2016
Dedicated webpage:

Dagnino, G.B. (Ed.) (2012). Handbook of Research on Competitive Strategy. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.
Dedicated webpage:

Yami, S., Castaldo, S., Dagnino, G.B., and Le Roy F. (Eds.) (2010). Coopetition: Winning Strategies for the 21st Century. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.
Dedicated webpage:

Dagnino, G.B., and Rocco, E. (Eds.) (2009). Coopetition Strategy: Theory Experiments and Cases. London: Routledge.
Dedicated webpage:

Audretsch, D.B., Dagnino, G.B., Faraci, R., and Hoskisson, R.E. (Eds.) (2009). New Frontiers in Entrepreneurship: Recognizing, Seizing and Executing Opportunities. New York: Springer.
Dedicated webpage:

Capasso, A., G.B. Dagnino, and A. Lanza (Eds.) (2005). Strategic Capabilities and Knowledge Transfer Between Organizations: New Perspectives from Acquisitions, Networks, Learning, and Evolution. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.
Dedicated webpage:


International Books (Italian Edition)

Ghemawat, P. (2009). Strategie globali (Redefining Global Strategy). Bologna: Il Mulino
Editor for the Italian edition Dagnino G.B. – Introduction to the Italian Edition

Thompson/Strickland/Gamble (2009). Strategia aziendale. Formulazione ed esecuzione (Crafting and Executing Strategy: The Quest for Competitive Advantage). Milan: McGraw-Hill Italia
Editors for the Italian version Dagnino G.B. and Faraci R. – Introduction to the Italian Edition


Books and Monographs (Italian)

Dagnino, G.B., and Matta, P.L. (Eds.) (2024). Lo sviluppo degli scambi economici e sociali dei paesi e delle imprese del bacino mediterraneo (The Development of Economic and Social Exchanges of Countries and Companies in the Mediterranean Area). Turin: Giappichelli

Dagnino, G.B., and Lo Presti, L. (Eds.) (2024). Negative brand e strategie di comunicazione. Fenomenologia dei mafia brands (Negative Brands and Communication Strategy. Phenomenology of Mafia Brands). Milan: Franco Angeli

Baglieri, D., Dagnino, G.B., and Faraci, R. (Eds.) (2013). Economia e gestione delle imprese. Capacità, processi, competitività (Business Economics and Management: Capabilities, Processes and Competitiveness). Turin: UTET. Forthcoming

Dagnino, G.B. (2005). I paradigmi dominanti negli studi di strategia d’impresa. Fondamenti teorici e implicazioni manageriali (Strategy Evolving: The Evolution of the Dominant Paradigms in Strategic Management). Turin: Giappichelli

Dagnino, G.B. (2000). Conoscenza, complessità e sistemi di imprese. (Knowledge, Complexity and Systems of Firms). Turin: Giappichelli

Dagnino, G.B., P. Di Betta, and P. Quattrone (Eds.) (1998). Le metodologie della ricerca nelle discipline economico-aziendali fra tradizione e nuove tendenze. (Methodological Issues in Business and Management Studies: Tradition and New Trends Compared).Naples: ESI

Dagnino, G.B. (1995). Cambiamento e cooperazione nei sistemi integrati di produzione (Change and Cooperation in Integrated Manufacturing Systems). Palermo: University of Palermo


Articles in Italian Journals

Dagnino, G.B. (2021). Gli advanced analytics quali vantaggi chiave per quali imprese. Economia & Management, N.3, pp.81-87.

Dagnino, G.B., Minà, A., and Picone P.M. (2014). La hubris manageriale quale fonte della irresponsabilità d’impresa: uno studio esplorativo (Managerial Hubris as a Source of Firm Irresponsibility: An Explorative Study). Sinergie. N.95, pp.141-160

Dagnino, G.B. (2014). Cambiamento di paradigma, fonti del vantaggio competitivo ed evoluzione del concetto di strategia (Paradigm Change, Sources of Competitive Advantage and the Evolution of the Strategy Concept). Sinergie. N.94, pp.27-50

Dagnino, G.B., and Picone, P.M. (2013). Dietro le quinte della diversificazione conglomerale: il ruolo della leadership strategica (Beyond the Curtains of Conglomerate Diversification: The Role of Strategic Leadership). Finanza Marketing e Produzione. N.2, pp.9-45

Dagnino, G.B., Faraci, R., and Puglisi, B. (2012). L’Anchor Development Organization quale soggetto di governance e di metamanagement della destinazione: un’analisi di benchmarking internazionale dei Convention Bureau (The Anchor Development Organization as Actor of Destination Governance and Metamanagement: An International Bechmarking Analysis of Convention Bureaus). Mercati e Competitività, N.4, pp.99-122

Dagnino, G.B., Filippas, V., Mocciaro Li Destri, A., and Rocco, E. (2012). Le alleanze strategiche quali percorsi di creazione di valore: un’indagine qualitativa sulle alliance evolution capabilities. (Strategic Alliances as Value Creation Conduits: A Qualitative Analysis on Alliance Evolution Capabilities). Finanza Marketing e Produzione. N.1, pp.93-139.

 Dagnino, G.B., and Merendino, P. (2011). L’interazione fra capacità d’impresa, opportunità strategiche, risorse finanziarie e performance: un’analisi multivariata su di un campione di imprese operanti nel Mezzogiorno (The Interaction among Firm Capabilities, Strategic Opportunities, Financial Resources and Performance: A Multivariate Analysis of a Firm Sample Operating in the Italian Midday). Piccola Impresa/Small BusinessVol.25, N.1, pp.93-126

Dagnino, G.B., D’Allura, G., Faraci, R., and Pisano, V. (2011). La localizzazione dei processi innovativi ad alto contenuto tecnologico: il ruolo delle imprese “àncora” fra sistemi locali e network globali (The Localization of High-Tech Innovative Processes: The Role of the Anchor Firm between Local Systems and Global Networks) Sinergie. N.84, pp.179-207

Dagnino, G.B., and Mocciaro Li Destri, A. (2011). The managerial alternative: profili genetici ed evolutivi del paradigma Risorse-Competenze-Performance in strategia d’impresa. (The Managerial Alternative: Genetic and Evolutionary Profiles of the Resource-Competence-Performance Paradigm) Sinergie. N.85 pp.93-117

Dagnino, G.B., and Ruggieri, G. (2009). Le politiche per l’innovazione in Sicilia: genesi, attività e limitazioni (Innovation Policies in Sicily: Genesis, Activities and Limitations). Rassegna Economica. Vol. 71, N.1, pp.195-212

Dagnino, G.B., and Faraci, R. (2008). New Frontiers of Entrepreneurship in Academic Theory and Practice. Sinergie. N.75, pp.5-15

Capasso, A., and Dagnino, G.B. (2007). Strategic management e corporate governance: good theories e bad practices in una relazione cruciale per le imprese. Sinergie. N.73-74, pp.211-221

Dagnino, G.B., and Di Guardo, M.C. (2007). Alleanze strategiche e rendite relazionali: una review delle determinanti del joint value (Strategic Alliances and Relational Rents: A Critical Review of the Determinants of Joint Value). Finanza Marketing e Produzione. No.4, pp.79-108

Dagnino, G.B., and Cinici, M.C. (2007). Strategic Heterogeneity and Firm Performance: A Coevolutionary View. Sinergie, Quaderno N.15, pp.55-65

Dagnino, G.B. (2006). Il paradigma evolutivo in strategia d’impresa: approccio controverso o solida prospettiva conoscitiva? (The Evolutionary Paradigm in Strategic Management: A Contentious Approach or a Solid Learning Perspective?). Economia e Politica Industriale, Vol.33, N.4, pp.103-132

DagninoG.B., and Mazza, C. (2004). We are on a road to nowhere: cosa ha ancora da dire la teoria dell’organizzazione? (We Are on a Road to Nowhere: What Has Organization Theory Still Got to Say?). Studi Organizzativi, N.2/3, pp.89-108

Dagnino, G.B. (2004). Governance d’impresa: l’avventura di Telecom Italia (1997-2002) (Firm Governance: The Adventure of Telecom Italia). Economia & Management, N.1, pp.61-80

Mocciaro Li Destri, A., and Dagnino, G.B. (2003). Lo sviluppo dell’impresa resource-based fra appropriazione e creazione di valore (The Development of the Resource-based Firm Between Value Appropriation and Value Creation). Economia e Politica Industriale. Vol.30, N.117, pp. 73-108

Dagnino G.B. (2000). Spazio e tempo in economia d’impresa: note metodologiche per un’indagine integrata sulle forme organizzative reticolari (Space and Time in the Economics of the Firm: Methodological Remarks for an Integrative Analysis on Network Organizations). Economia e Politica Industriale. Vol.28, N.107, pp.153-185

Mocciaro Li Destri, A., and Dagnino, G.B. (1999) L’analisi comparata nello studio dei sistemi manageriali asiatici: un modello interpretativo (Comparative Analysis of Asian Managerial Systems: A Proposed Interpretive Model). Economia e Politica Industriale. Vol.27, N.104, pp.87-123

Dagnino, G.B., and A. Albanese (1997). Efficienza e produzione di valore nelle reti e nei sistemi di imprese: un’interpretazione in termini di cicli economico-cognitivi (Efficiency and Production of Value in Networks and Systems of Firms: An Interpretation in Terms of Economic and Knowledge Cycles). Economia e Politica Industriale. Vol.24, N.96, pp.55-94

Dagnino, G.B. (1994). Profili storiografici genetici ed evolutivi della teoria economica dell’innovazione (The Economic Theory of Innovation: Historiographic Genetic and Evolutionary Profiles). Economia e Credito. N.1/2 (Quarterly Review of Sicilian Savings and Loans Bank), pp.45-106

Dagnino, G.B. (1993). Profili caratteristici dell’impresa innovativa (Specific Archetypes of the Innovative Firm). Il Risparmio. N.2, pp. 341-358


Book Chapters and Conference Proceedings (in Italian)

Dagnino, G.B., and Mocciaro Li Destri, A. (2023). Managing Alliance Portfolios in the Age of Temporary Advantage. In Penco, L. and Profumo, G. (Eds.). Strategie e Governo dell’Impresa. Scritti in onore di Pietro Genco. Turin: Giappichelli ISBN: 9791221104011

Dagnino, G.B., and Mocciaro Li Destri, A. (2022). Disruptive Power of Digital Startups. In Bertoli, G., Castaldo, S., Cillo, P., Troilo, G., and Verona G. (Eds.). Innovazione e Management. Omaggio a Salvio Vicari. Milan: Egea ISBN/EAN: 9788823851863

Cinici, M.C., and Dagnino, G.B. (2015). I modelli di supporto alla gestione strategica dell’impresa: dinamiche evolutive e implicazioni manageriali (Models Supporting the Strategic Management of Firms: Evolutionary Dynamics and Managerial Implications). In Centorrino, G. (Ed.). Economia e Territorio. Profili economici, aziendali e statistici. Rome: Aracne

Baglieri, D., Carfì, D., and Dagnino G.B. (2015). A Coopetitive Game Model for Asymmetric R&D Alliances within a generalized “Reverse Deal”. In Centorrino, G. (Ed.). Economia e Territorio. Profili economici, aziendali e statistici. Rome: Aracne.

Dagnino, G.B. (2015). The power of startups. In Ferrandino, V., and Napolitano, M.R. (Eds.). Storia d’impresa e imprese storiche. Una visione diacronica. Milan: Franco Angeli

Faraci, R., Baglieri, D., and Dagnino, G.B. (2013). Capacità, processi, competitività. In Baglieri, D., Dagnino, G.B., and Faraci, R. (Eds.). Economia e gestione delle imprese. Capacità, processi, competitività, Turin: ISEDI

Dagnino, G.B., and Minà, A. (2013). Le capacità interpretative del contesto competitivo (Interpretive capabilities of the competitive context). In Baglieri, D., Dagnino, G.B., and Faraci, R. (Eds.). Economia e gestione delle imprese. Capacità, processi, competitività. Turin: UTET

Cinici, M.C., and Dagnino, G.B. (2012). La genesi delle capacità dinamiche nelle start up biotech: un’indagine qualitativa su alcune imprese italiane ed europee. In Buttà, C. and Longo, C. (Eds.) Capacità dinamica e imprese biotech. Strategie e assetti competitivi. Turin: Giappichelli

Cinici, M.C., Dagnino, G.B., and Faraci, R. (2012). Technological Preadaptation and Strategic Coupling in Spurring Regional Innovation: The Experience of the Nanotech Area of Catania. In Capaldo, A. (Ed.). Advances in Strategy and Organization. Selected Papers from ‘Second Tuesday’ Seminars. Milan: McGraw Hill.

 Dagnino, G.B., Faraci, R., and Puglisi, B. (2012). L’Anchor Development Organization quale soggetto di governance e metamanagement della destinazione. Un’analisi di benchmarking internazionale e il caso Etna Convention Bureau. In Pechlaner, H., Paniccia, P., Valeri, M., and Raich, F. (Eds.). Destination Governance. Turin: Giappichelli

 Faraci, R., and Dagnino, G.B. (2011). Corporate governance, strategic management e creatività. In Pilotti L. (Ed.). Creatività, innovazione e territorio. Ecosistemi del valore per la competizione globale. Bologna: Il Mulino

 Pisano, V., Faraci, R., and Dagnino, G.B. (2009). Il champion of acquisitions nei processi acquisitivi d’impresa e nello sviluppo della motivazione e del commitment individuali (The Role of the Champion of Acquisition in M&A Processes and in the Development of Individual Motivation and Commitment). In Capasso, A. and Meglio, O. (Eds.). Fusioni e acquisizioni. Teorie, metodi, esperienze. Milan: Franco Angeli

Dagnino, G.B. (2007). La dinamica del commitment nelle relazioni di fedeltà della clientela (Commitment Dynamics in Client Loyalty Relationships). In R. Faraci, M. Galvagno and S. Giaccone (Eds.). La fedeltà nelle relazioni tra impresa e mercato: fondamenti concettuali e implicazioni manageriali. Turin: Giappichelli

Dagnino, G.B. (2007). Management e governance dei potenziali sistemi turistici locali (Management and governance of potential local tourist systems). In A. Purpura, G. Ruggieri and F. Naselli (Eds.), La componente relazionale nell’analisi sistemica del turismo. Palermo: Palumbo

Dagnino, G.B., and Baglieri, D. (2005). Propensione al rischio e riconfigurazione dei processi decisionali:implicazioni per le imprese operanti nei settori maturi (Risk Propensity and Reconfiguration of Decision Making Processes: Implications for Firms Operating in Mature Businesses). Proceedings of the 2004 Italian Academy of Management Annual Conference. Turin: Giappichelli

Dagnino, G.B., and Quattrone P. (1998). Le relazioni fra economia aziendale ed altre discipline: una proposta di metodo (The Relationships Between Economia Aziendale and Other Disciplines: A Methodological Proposal). In G.B. Dagnino, P. Di Betta, and P. Quattrone (Eds.). Le metodologie della ricerca nelle discipline economico-aziendali fra tradizione e nuove tendenze. Naples: ESI

Dagnino, G.B. (1996). Profili sistemici e cooperativi delle gestioni produttive integrate. Annali della Facoltà di Economia dell’Università degli Studi di Palermo. Palermo: Academic Years 1988-1995.
An abridged version of this article was also published in Le risorse immateriali. Gestione, organizzazione, rilevazione. Naples: ESI

Dagnino, G.B. (1995). La Cassa di Corte di Palermo (1843-1860): profili organizzativi e contabili (Organizational and Accounting Characteristics of the Cassa di Corte di Palermo (1843-1860)). In Proceedings of the Second Conference of the Italian Society for Accounting and Business History. Pisa: Petrini


Business Cases

 Dagnino, G.B., and Cinici, M.C. (2010). The Turnaround Strategy of the Pirelli Group under the Leadership of Marco Tronchetti Provera. In Costanzo, L. (Ed.). Cases in Strategic Management. London: McGraw-Hill.

Dagnino, G.B. (2009). BasicNet Strategy: un sistema di business innovativo basato su tecnologia e stile. In Thompson/Strickland/Gamble. Strategia aziendale. Formulazione ed esecuzione (Crafting and Executing Strategy: The Quest for Competitive Advantage). Milan: McGraw-Hill Italia. Editors for the Italian edition Dagnino G.B. and Faraci R.


Research Reports

Rapporto Sud Innovazione, First Comprehensive Report on the Innovation Activities in South Italy,
October 2024

Innovation and Development of Hi-tech Anchor Firms and Networks in Sicily. An Investigation in the Catania Area. FRIDA Project Final Report, Catania Unit, 2011